自强不息 ,止于至善
精心培育具备家国情怀、全球视野和创新精神 ,专业基础扎实、 跨学科能力突出的公共治理拔尖创新人才。






主讲课程:比较政府/比较公共行政学(行政管理本科必修) Comparative governments (Undergraduate)
西方政府简介(校选课)Introduction to Western Governments
发展的故事(校选课)Tales of Development

土地资源管理, 矿产资源管理, 环境治理
Land resource management, mineral resource management, environment governance

2014.2-2018.3 博士, 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学,技术政策管理学院, 土地管理
2010.9-2012.7 硕士, 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学,技术政策管理学院, 政策分析
2004.9-2008.6 学士, 四川大学,电气信息学院,医学信息工程
2014.2-2018.3 PhD in Land Management, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management (TBM), Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
2010.9-2012.7 Master in Engineering and Policy Analysis, TBM, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
2004.9-2008.6 Bachelor in Medical Informatics Engineering, Sichuan University, China
2021.8- 厦门大学公共事务学院公管系,副教授
2018.9-2021.7 厦门大学公共事务学院公管系,助理教授
2012.9-2013.5 上海大智慧有限公司 行业分析师
2008.7-2010.7 上海天马微电子有限公司,质量工程师

2021.8- Associate Professor, School of Public Affairs, Xiamen University
2018.9-2021.7 Assistant Professor, School of Public Affairs, Xiamen University
2012.9-2013.5 Industry Analyst, Shanghai Great Wisdom Co. Ltd
2008.7-2010.7 Quality Engineer, Shanghai Tianma Micro-electronics Co. Ltd
2022-2024 主持国家社科后期一般项目(25万元)《中国矿业制度的功能和可信度研究》,(项目号22FSHB026)
2020-2022 主持教育部人文社会科学青年项目(8万)《土地要素对扶贫搬迁决策及可持续生计的影响研究》(项目号20YJCZH208) ,已免鉴定结项
2019-2021 主持福建省社会科学规划青年项目(3万)《易地扶贫搬迁和宅基地有偿退出协同推进机制研究》(项目号FJ2019C035),已免鉴定结项
2019-2021 主持中央高校基本科研业务费项目(10万)《土地权益在生态扶贫搬迁中的作用研究—以武陵山区为例》已结项
2014-2018 作为子课题负责人参与欧洲研究理事会中国土地管理项目(RECOLAND,总额150万欧元)


2023-2025 Research on the function and credibility of China’s mining institutions by National Social Science Foundation (Project No. 22FSHB026) 250,000 Yuan
2020-2022 Impact Assessment of Land on Poverty Alleviation Resettlement Decision and Sustainable Livelihood by the Humanities and Social Sciences Project of the Ministry of Education (20YJCZH208) , 80,000 Yuan
2019-2021 Project on Poverty Alleviation Resettlement, by Fujian Social Science Foundation Project (No. FJ2019C035), 30,000 Yuan
2019-2021 Impact of land on ecological resettlement by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. 20720191002), 100,000 Yuan
2014-2018 Co-investigator in Project RECOLAND land-based institutions, funded by European Research Council, 1.5 million Euro


[17] Yang, Xiuyun, Meng Chen, and Qiuping Chen*. 2025. Securing a Social Licence for Development Projects: A Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Land Expropriation Cases in China. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 113, 107865. (SSCI, IF=9.8)
[16] Yang, Xiuyun, Wenyu Ye, and Qiuping Chen*. 2024. Mineworkers with Pneumoconiosis, Work-Related Injury Compensation, and Empty Institution in China. The Extractive Industries and Society 18: 101451. (SSCI)
[15] Yang, Xiuyun and Qiuping Chen*, 2023. Property rights and theft wrongs? A preliminary analysis of stealing in the extractive industries. The Extractive Industries and Society, 15, 101287. (SSCI)
[14] Ren, Feng, Jinbo Zhang, and Xiuyun Yang(通讯作者), 2023. Study on the Effect of Job Accessibility and Residential Location on Housing Occupancy Rate: A Case Study of Xiamen, China. Land, 12(4): 912. (SSCI)
[13] Yang, Xiuyun and Qiuping Chen*, 2023. Mining violations, rent-seeking, and resource governance in China: Evidence from central environmental protection inspection. The Extractive Industries and Society, 13, 101218. (SSCI,ESI全球前1%高被引论文)
[12] Yang, Xiuyun.2022. Worshipping colliery gods in China: A religious view of resource extraction and mining safety. The Extractive Industries and Society, 9, 101041. (SSCI)
[11] Yang, Xiuyun, Kees Krul, and David Sims. 2022. Uncovering Coal Mining Accident Coverups: An Alternative Perspective on China’s New Safety Narrative. Safety Science, 148, 105637. (SCI)
[10] Yang, Xiuyun, and Bo Wang. 2021. Framing and Blaming: Media Coverage of Coal Mining Accident Coverups in China. The Extractive Industries and Society 8 (2): 100895.
[9] Krul, Krul, Ho, Peter, Yang, Xiuyun*, 2021. Land titling as a conflict remedy or driver? Analyzing institutional outcomes through latent and manifest conflicts in China’s forest sector. Land Use Policy 100, 104880. (SSCI)
[8] Krul, Kees, Peter Ho*, and Xiuyun Yang, 2020. Incentivizing Household Forest Management in China’s Forest Reform: Limitations to Rights-Based Approaches in Southwest China. Forest Policy and Economics, 111:102075. (SSCI)
[7] Wang, Bo, Yaoyu Zhang, Changjie Zhan*, and Xiuyun Yang. 2020. Strategic Interaction of Industrial Land Conveyance Behaviors in China: Based on Asymmetric Two-Regime Spatial Durbin Model. Journal of Cleaner Production 270:122598. (SCI)
[6] Yang, Xiuyun. 2020. An Assessment of the Media’s Portrayal of Murders at Chinese Mines. The Extractive Industries and Society 7(3):1066–76. (SSCI)
[5] Yang, Xiuyun and Peter Ho. 2020. Mining Institutions, Contention and Credibility: Applying the Conflict Analysis Model to Court Cases in China. The Extractive Industries and Society 7(3):1011–21 (SSCI)
[4] 王博, 杨秀云, 张耀宇*, 王誉霖. 2019. 地方政府土地出让互动干预对工业用地利用效率的影响--基于262个城市的空间计量模型检验. 中国土地科学 33(12):56–65 (CSSCI)
[3] Yang, Xiuyun* and Peter Ho. 2019. Is mining harmful or beneficial? A survey of local community perspectives in China, Extractive Industries and Society, 6: 584-592 (SSCI)
[2] Yang, Xiuyun and Peter Ho*. 2018. Conflict over Mining in Rural China: A Comprehensive Survey of Intentions and Strategies for Environmental Activism. Sustainability 10(5) (SCI/SSCI)
[1] Yang, Xiuyun, Heng Zhao, and Peter Ho*. 2017. Mining-Induced Displacement and Resettlement in China: A Study Covering 27 Villages in 6 Provinces. Resources Policy 53:408–18. (SSCI)

2016年11月 欧洲演化政治经济学协会(EAEPE),英国曼彻斯特
2017年2月 国际影响评估协会(IAIA)移民与生计研讨会,菲律宾马尼拉
2017年7月 土地平等和可持续管理会议(Landac),荷兰乌特勒支
2017年8月 中国农业和农村发展国际会议(ICARDC), 广东广州
2017年11月 北欧亚洲研究协会 (NIAS)亚洲环境会议,挪威奥斯陆;
2019年7月 中国社会学会2019年学术年会,云南昆明
2019年9月 第二届国际移民与社会发展学术研讨会&国际移民网络2019年年会,江苏南京

Conference presentation:

2016.11 European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy(EAEPE),Manchester, UK
2017.2 International Association of Impact Assessment, Symposium Resettlement& Livelihood, Manila, Philippines
2017.7 Land Governance for Equitable and Sustainable Development (Landac),Utrecht, the Netherlands
2017.8 International Conference of Agriculture and Rural Development in China(ICARDC), Guangzhou, China
2017.11 Nordic Institute of Asian Studies(NIAS), Conference Asian Environment, Oslo, Norway
2019.7 Annual Conference of Chinese Sociological Association, Kunming, China
2019.9 International Network on Displacement and Resettlement 2019 meeting, Nanjing, China

2019 福建省引进高层次人才境外C类
2019 厦门市高层次留学人员
2014-2018年 欧洲研究理事会(ERC)博士项目,4年,20万欧元
2017年11月 国际亚洲研究所(International Institute for Asian Studies, IIAS)会议资助
2010-2012年 代尔夫特理工大学, 优秀留学生,全额奖学金(免学费、提供生活费),2.8万欧
2004-2008年 西部开发助学工程奖学金(中央宣传部、文明办、教育部),免学费、提供生活费,4万人民币
Yang, Xiuyun, Credibility and Social Conflicts: Mining Institutions and Rural Community in China, ISBN: 978-94-6186-907-4, PhD dissertation, Delft University of Technology