You Y. 2024. Regulating local government debt in China: Intended and unintended consequences. China Information: 1-35. https://doi.org/10.1177/0920203X241241839 . (SSCI,Q1)
游宇,2024, “地方政府如何通过工作专班改善城市基层治理?——基于一项小区综合治理专班的案例研究”,《公共管理学报》, 21(3): 12-24.
You,Yu, Yan Li & Yifan Huang. (2023). Regulating local government debt within growth trade-offs: a case study of China’s fiscal consolidation policy, Journal of Asian Public Policy, https://doi.org/10.1080/17516234.2023.2294863 (SSCI,Q1)
游宇、张光, 2023,“基层转移支付与地方政府债务扩张——项目制的视角与四川省的实证,” 《公共行政评论》, 3:142–160.
游宇、刘豪, 2023,“我国地方罚没收入缘何增长?——基于 2007-2020 年省级面板数据的实证研究,” 《中国研究》, 29:19–39.
游宇, 2022,“地方政府债务的公共财政化: 制度框架与多元影响,” 《甘肃行政学院学报》, 6:52–66.
游宇、耿曙、李妍、黄一凡,2020,“财政重整与地方政府债务管控制度化——基于一个市辖区的案例研究”,《公共管理学报》, 17(2):40–52.
游宇、张光、庄玉乙,2016, “次国家财政结构与地方治理:一项实证研究”, 《公共行政评论》, 9(5): 85-110
You, Yu and Guang Zhuang. (2016). The Political Economy of Civil Service Pay in China: A Panel Data Analysis. Chinese Political Science Review. 1(2): 248-267
游宇, 2014, “投资驱动、土地依赖与地方治理——基于中国地级市的实证研究(2003—2010)”,《甘肃行政学院学报》, 5:1-12.
游宇、雷艳红,2013,“‘重庆模式’的经济维度”,《二十一世纪》, 1:50–58.
游宇,2012,“可持续的经济大跃进?——重庆高速增长的财政解析”,《公共行政评论》, 5(4):27-51.
雷艳红、游宇,2012,“央地关系视角的土地财政:一个制度层面的梳理”,《中国行政管理》, 10:111-115.
You, Y., Ma, D. & Chen, C. (2024). Public Trust During a Public Health Crisis: Evaluating the Immediate Effects of the Pandemic on Institutional Trust. Journal of Chinese Political Science, 29(1): 1-29. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11366-023-09874-y (SSCI,Q1)
游宇、赵景慧, 2023,“文化路径的制度机制:农村非正式制度如何影响村民对基层官员的信任,” 《复旦政治学评论》,1:117–145.
游宇、孙小梅, 2023,“地方环境治理如何影响公众获得感: 一项整合性分析框架,” 《中国治理评论》, 1:169–180.
You, Yu, Yu Sha, and Shukang Xiao(2022), Once Accessing the Internet, Less Trusting of Local Officials? Evidence from A Panel Survey in China, Society, 59(6): 723–734. (SSCI)
Chen, Longjin and Yu You. (2021). How does environmental pollution erode political trust in China? A multilevel analysis. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 88, 106553. (SSCI,Q1, 通讯作者&共同第一作者)
Chen, Longjin, Junling Zhang, and Yu You (2020). Air Pollution, Environmental Perceptions, and Citizen Satisfaction: A Mediation Analysis. Environmental Research, 184 (2020), 109287. (SSCI,Q1, 通讯作者)
You, Yu, and Zhengxu Wang. (2020). The Internet, Political Trust, and Regime Types: A Cross-National and Multilevel Analysis’, Japanese Journal of Political Science, 21 (2), 68–89. (SSCI)
You, Yu, Yifan Huang, and Yuyi Zhuang. (2020). Natural disaster and political trust: A natural experiment study of the impact of the Wenchuan earthquake. Chinese Journal of Sociology, 6(1), 140–165.
游宇、黄一凡、庄玉乙,2018,“自然灾害与政治信任:基于汶川大地震的自然实验设计”, 《社会》, 5:158-181.
Wang, Z., & You, Y. (2016). The arrival of critical citizens: decline of political trust and shifting public priorities in China. International Review of Sociology, 26(1): 105-124.(SSCI)
游宇、张光,2015,“事与愿违: 财政支出导向与政治信任”,《开放时代》, 1:138-155.
王正绪、游宇,2012,“经济发展与民主政治——东亚儒家社会的公民价值观念的链接”, 《开放时代》, 6:98-115.
陈超、游宇, 2023,“案例导向研究中的‘范围条件’与理论建构,”《经济社会体制比较》, 6:150–158.
游宇, 2022,“‘大事必作于细’: 比较政治学中的次国家比较案例研究,” 《经济社会体制比较》, 5:114–124.
陈超、游宇, 2022,“迈向理论导向的个案研究 : 过程追踪与一致性分析的混合设计,” 《公共管理评论》, 4:132–148.
游宇,2016, 如何管控中国的“红領俸緑”? ——评Alfred M. Wu, Governing Civil Service Pay in China, 《二十一世纪》, 2:142-150.
游宇,2018,改革年代下民营经济的扩张与市场的生成——评Capitalism from Below: Markets and Institutional Change in China. 《公共管理评论》,1:126-135.