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刘昭阁、Li, Xiang-yang、Zhu, Xiao-han:A full-view scenario model for urban waterlogging response in a big data environment
时间:2022年06月10日 17:37    来源:    浏览:






The emergence of big data is breaking the spa-tial and time limitations of urban waterlogging scenario description. The scenario data of different dimensions (e.g., administrative levels, sectors, granularities, and time) have become highly integrated. Accordingly, a structural and systematic model is needed to represent waterlogging scenarios for more efficient waterlogging response decision-making. In this article, a full-view urban waterlogging scenario is first defined and described from four dimensions. Next a structured representation of scenario element is given based on knowledge unit method. The full-view scenario model is then constructed by extracting the scenario correlation structures between different dimensions (called scenario nesting), i.e., inheri-tance nesting, feedback nesting, aggregation nesting, and selection nesting. Finally, a real-world case study in Wuhan East Lake High-tech Development Zone, China is evaluated to verify the reasonability of the full-view model. The results show that the proposed model effectively inte-grates scenario data from different dimensions, which helps generate the complete key scenario information for urban waterlogging decision-making. The full-view sce-nario model is expected to be applicable for other disasters under big data environment.

【关键词】big dataurban waterloggingscenario-based analysisfull-view modelscenario model