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时间:2019年02月15日 16:47    来源:    浏览:


讲座时间、地点:2019年2月21日周四下午3:00-5:00, 公共事务学院成智楼301

主讲人:乔尔·S·米格代尔教授(Joel Samuel Migdal),华盛顿大学


主讲人介绍:米格代尔教授现为华盛顿大学亨利·杰克逊国际事务研究院罗伯特·菲利浦讲座教授。他1972年获哈佛大学政治学博士学位,师从美国著名政治学教授塞缪尔·亨廷顿,在比较政治学、政治社会学、中东政治、美国外交政策等领域享有国际学术声誉,独著,编著了12本著作。其中1988年所著《强社会与弱国家:第三世界的国家社会关系及国家能力》开创了政治学中了国家社会二元分析的范式,对比较政治学领域产生了深远的影响。其最近的代表作Shifting Sands: The United States in the Middle East对美国在中东近70年的外交政策进行了系统性的梳理和反思。       


United States in The Middle East

Joel Samuel Migdal,

Professor at University of Washington

Date: Feb 21, 2019 Thursday

Time: 3:00-5:00 p.m.

Venue: Chengzhi Building 301

Abstract: The United States became an everyday player in the Middle East at the end of World War II. Did the United States have an overall plan for its presence in the region and the role it would play, and, if so, what was it? Was there a common thread from administration to administration on the role the United States would play in the region and the limits to its participation? This lecture explores these questions, showing the consistency of U.S. policy in the second half of the twentieth century and the radical turns that all three presidents in the twenty-first century—George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump—have taken.

About the speaker: Joel S. Migdal is the Robert F. Philip Professor of International Studies in the University of Washington's Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies and Director of the Near and Middle East Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program. He was the founding chair of the University of Washington's International Studies Program. Dr. Migdal was formerly associate professor of Government at Harvard University and senior lecturer at Tel-Aviv University. Among his books are Peasants, Politics, and Revolution; Palestinian Society and Politics; Strong Societies and Weak States; State in Society; Through the Lens of Israel; The Palestinian People: A History (with Baruch Kimmerling); and Boundaries and Belonging. His latest book is Shifting Sands: The United States in the Middle East. In 1993, he received the University of Washington's Distinguished Teaching Award; in 1994, the Washington State Governor's Writers Award; in 2006, the Marsha L. Landolt Distinguished Graduate Mentor Award; and, in 2008, the Provost Distinguished Lectureship.