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短学期英国剑桥大学Helen Bao教授讲座
时间:2014年07月04日 00:00    来源:    浏览:

Land Reallocation Reform in Rural China: A Behavioral Economics Perspective

主讲:Helen Bao 副教授
Dr. Helen Bao is a University Lecturer in Real Estate Finance at the Department of Land Economy, and a Fellow in Land Economy at Newnham College, Cambridge University. Helen teaches Quantitative Research Methods and Real Estate Development modules for the MPhil in Real Estate Finance course. Prior joining Cambridge University Helen taught statistics and operation management courses at the School of Business, City University of Hong Kong. She obtained her PhD degree for City University of Hong Kong. Helen research areas include real estate finance, housing economics, and land use policies.

The “induced versus imposed” institutional change debate has yet to reach a consensus in the studies of rural land reallocation reform in China. Contrary to the common treatment of the two types of institutional changes as competing theories, we unify them in one theoretical framework under prospect theory. This theoretical model is verified using survey data from 17 Chinese provinces between 2005 and 2010. Our theoretical framework and empirical verification explain the driving forces behind the success of the rural land reallocation reform in China. We find that rural land reallocation reform in China is characterized by induced and imposed institutional changes. The relationship between induced and imposed institutional change is complementary instead of competing. The decision and frequency of land reallocation are affected by both local endowment and central government policy. Empirical findings also suggest that land reallocation reform in China is incremental, with interim policy targets from different stages taking gradual effect. The theoretical model can be used to study a wide range of government-led institutional changes in China, such as affordable housing schemes and the National New-type Urbanization Plan (2014-2020).

