Doing fieldwork in China and Spain
Presenters 演讲者
Joaquín Beltrán Antolín (Prof. Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona)
Amelia Sáiz López (Prof. Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona)
Irene Masdeu Torruella (Ph.D Candidate. Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona.
Confucius China Study Program (CCSP) fellow, Joint PhD program, Xiamen University.
Moderator 主持人
Li Minghuan 李明欢
19:00 , 14 April, 2014
时间:2014年4月14日(星期一)晚上 19:00
Room 108, School of Public Affairs
The three participants will present their research experience and discuss different methodological issues related with “doing fieldwork in the mobility context”. The transnational perspective, the gender approach, the use of audiovisual technics, and ethnographic relationships will be addressed. Finally the roundtable will also bring the discussion about the specificities of doing research in China and Spain, and the problems and benefits of multisided fieldwork.