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时间:2022年03月17日 11:42    来源:    浏览:

2022 Zhi-Xing China: Xiamen University Global Young Leaders Program


2022 Zhi-Xing China: Xiamen University Global Young Leaders Program is co-hosted by the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange and School of Journalism and Communication.

一、 活动主题



The theme of the event is "Digital China and Sustainable Development—Maritime and Postal Roads". Based on the geographical advantage of Fujian province, the event aims to explores the modern development of the Maritime Silk Road and its positive role in the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

二、 活动形式

Form of the Activity


The activity focuses on enhancing international understanding and cross-cultural communication. Adopting a combination of topic learnings, fieldworks and innovative practices, the event provide a chance for students to document the history of China's interaction with the world by pictures and videos, presenting a comprehensive perspective.


Four outstanding students (2 international students +2 Chinese students) from Xiamen University will be selected to form a group to explore the past and present of “21st Century Maritime Silk Road" by writing and video shooting after fieldworks. Photos and graphic reports, short videos and Vlogs are encouraged.

三、 活动安排



The event will be divided into two parts:

(一) 专题学习

1.Topic Learning

1. 闽南地区华人华侨、海上丝绸之路及海丝文化

2. 福建省特色漆雕、影雕、克拉克瓷与艺术审美

3. 影像叙事艺术与技巧

1.1 Overseas Chinese in South Fujian Province and the Culture of Maritime SilkRoad

1.2 Carved Lacquerware, Shadow-carved Sculptures and Kraak Ware in Fujian Province

1.3 The Art and Technique of Visual Narration

(二) 实地走访(视疫情情况可能有所调整)

2. Fieldwork (depending on the situation of the Pandemic)

1. 泉州海外交通史博物馆

2. 泉州作为宋元中国的世界海洋商贸中心的重要古老码头

3. 泉州宋元时代重要文化交流的场所

4. 漳州平和县博物馆克拉克瓷展

5. 漳州龙海市角美天一信局(中国最早邮局,由旅居菲律宾华侨清代建立)

6. 福州三坊七巷街区

7. 福建船政学堂(马尾船政学堂)——中国近代第一所海军学校

8. 厦门一等邮局

1. Quanzhou Maritime Museum, Fujian

2. Ancient Wharf from Song and Yuan Dynasty when Quanzhou was considered as the center of international trades

3. Places of cultural communication at Quanzhou from Song and Yuan Dynasty

4. Kraak Ware Exhibition at Pinghe County, Zhangzhou

5. Kay Yew Fin TienitZhangzhou (China’s earliest postal office, which was built by Pilipino Overseas Chinese in Qing Dynasty )

6. Three Lanes and Seven Alleys, Fuzhou

7. Foochow Ship-building Institution (the First Naval School in Modern China)

8. First Class Postal Office, Xiamen

四、 报名条件

Application Requirements

1. 品德良好,身心健康,无违法违纪记录;

Students with good moral characters, good health in body and mind and no records of violations of disciplines and laws;

2. 在校全日制本科生和硕士研究生,成绩优异;

Full-time undergraduate and postgraduate students at XMU with excellent academic performance;

3. 具有较强的领导力,团队合作精神和调研能力,具备良好的中文沟通能力以及良好的英语表达和写作能力,有图片和视频拍摄经验者优先。

Students with strong leadership, teamwork spirit, research ability, good communication skills in Chinese and competent spoken and writing skills in English; Candidates with photographic and video shooting experience are preferred.

4. 对活动主题抱有深厚兴趣,愿意与他人分享自己的观点。

Students with strong interests in the event and are willing to share.


We also need to recruit 2 reporters of the event. In addition to the above-mentioned requirements, candidates must have strong interview skills, shooting and editing skills and good communication and writing skills both in English and Chinese.

五、 相关费用



No fees will be charged for the event. The organizer will bear the expenses incurred for lectures, transportation, accommodation and fees for fieldworks.

六、 报名方式

Application Methods


Please fill in the application form (Attachment 2) and send to ucmsr@xmu.edu.cn before March 22. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Lin, Tel. 2187275, or Ms. Li, Tel. 2188331.




                        2. Application form


Office of International Cooperation and Exchange


March 15, 2022